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2012 August Minutes
Park & Recreation Commission                        



                     2012 AUGUST MINUTES

                                                         Salem Parks and Recreation Commission

                                                                           Minutes of Meeting



Date and Time:         Tuesday, Aug 21, 6:45 p.m.

Meeting Location:    5 Broad St.

Members Present:    Chair Bob Callahan, Chris Burke, Amy Everitt, James Shea, Leslie Tuttle,

Members Absent:      none

Others Present:         Doug Bollen, Director, Salem Parks, Recreation and Community Services

Recorder:                   Christine O’Brien


Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Callahan at 6:45pm.


Approval of July minutes

A motion to accept the minutes of the July 17th meeting is made by Burke, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.



Doug Sabin - Doug Sabin requests permission to establish a bench at Winter Island in memory of Florence Cooper, a volunteer at Winter Island for many, many years.  Callahan expresses his support due to Doug’s background and work as a historian for Winter Island.  Bollen states that there have been numerous requests for memorial benches at Winter Island and that they have refused the past 5-6 requests because of the overwhelming amount of benches there at this time. .  Tuttle suggests that long term plans for the park may affect placement of benches, and says that trees planted in memoriam may be a more permanent honor going forward.


Shea makes a motion to grant permission to Doug Sabin to donate a bench at Winter Island in memory of Florence Cooper, which is seconded by Burke, and passes unanimously.


Paul Lever Jr. - Discussion and vote on request for appropriation from golf course receipts for equipment

Paul Lever Jr., Golf Course Superintendent, requests an appropriation of $35,000 for golf course improvements.  Improvements would include five new aluminum doors for the maintenance garage, new pumps and updated electric circuitry at the pump house, a top dresser for the greens, and a powered hose reel.


Shea makes a motion to approve the request for $35,000 for golf course improvements, which is seconded by Tuttle, and passes unanimously.


Bollen will submit the request to Mayor Driscoll for approval by City Council.


Tim Short - Discussion and vote on new logo for department

Tim Short, Salem Parks and Recreation Supervisor, presents a proposal to establish a new logo for the Parks and Recreation Department.  The logo would be used on publications, clothing, the web site and social media communications. He asks for permission to hold a contest for the logo design.  A discussion regarding eligibility and a possible prize follows amongst the Commission members and Short.


A motion is made by Everitt to grant approval for the establishment of a contest to design a new logo for the Parks and Recreation Department.  The contest would be open to Salem residents, businesses, educational institutions and non-profit organizations, and a reward of $250 will be offered for the selected design.  Shea seconds the motion, and it passes unanimously.


Natalie Femino - Discussion and vote on dog event on Common

Natalie Femino of the asks the Commission to approve use of the Salem Commons on 9/22 (9/23 rain date) between the hours of 9am and 6pm for an event which will increase awareness and educate the public about the horrors of puppy mills.  This will be the fifth year the event is held.  Participants will offer information and demonstrations on animal rescue, services and care.  All proceeds go to non-profit organizations, Puppy Mill Rescue and the Animal Legal Defense Fund.


Shea makes a motion to approve use of the Salem Commons on 9/22 between the hours of 9am to 6pm for the purpose of holding the Puppy Mill Awareness Day.  The motion is seconded by Everitt and passes unanimously.


John Seger - Discussion and vote on small fountains for pond and water features at Winter Island

John Segar, from the Friends of Winter Island, offers a proposal to construct an electrically powered fountain at Winter Island adjacent to Fort Pickering.  The fountain would create movement in the pond, decreasing algae and mosquitoes, as well as providing visual interest.  He is asking for support from the Commission in the form of a letter to the Conservation Commission.  He is also asking for some financial support from Parks and Recreation.  Callahan says that the Commission would consider financial support once the proposal has been reviewed and approved by the Conservation Commission.


Shea makes a motion to support the proposal to build a fountain on Winter Island, which is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.


Bollen will compose a letter of support and send to Segar and the Conservation Commission.


Fran Riggerieri and Diane Hansen - Discussion and vote on food stand at Winter Island

Fran Riggerieri and Diane Hansen, of Fran and Diane’s Kitchen, present the Commission with a proposal to bring their restaurant to Winter Island on a seasonal basis.  They are currently providing delivery service to the boating community at Winter Island.  Riggierri inquires about the RFP process.  A discussion ensues regarding location, facilities, and Board of Health requirements.  Callahan and Shea suggest that Olde Salem Golf course might be a better location.   An RFP is already being worked for a food service at the course.  The Commission encourages Riggierie and Hansen to explore both locations and return to the next meeting in September with a proposal.





Superintendent’s Report - Financial Reports

Bollen distributes the monthly reports to Commission members.


Golf - Bollen says that golf revenues are up to $104,000 this year for July, an increase of 27%.  He attributes the increase to the overall better management of the course.  The only outstanding issue is with the inconsistency of the current food concession.  He has received several communications from other vendors interested in providing a food concession at the course.


Witch House - Bollen states that Witch House profits are up by 20% and continue to grow.  Elizabeth Peterson is commended for her great work..


Winter Island - Bollen reports that $41,000 in revenue last month has surpassed the previous two years.


Meters – Bollen says that a deposit of an additional $2000 was received today.  The request to double meter fees is still in committee.


Capital - Monies for capital improvements have been used to purchase a new infield machine for $16.000. Specifications for the Mack Park garage are being developed.  The house remains unoccupied.    It is suggested that Bollen look into the possibility of hiring a caretaker.


Recreation - Bollen reports that the fall/winter Recreation booklet is being created.   Seven pages of advertisements have been already been purchased.  Tom Short adds that several new programs, activities and events have been added.


The next playground project will be the Castle Hill Playground.


Parks & Facility

Hiring of new Director - role of Commission


Bollen states that Mayor Driscoll is forming a committee to help with the interview process.  She would like a representative from the Commission to be included.  Everitt says that she will participate.  Bollen has provided a current job description for the position.  Burke asks for a review of the hiring ordinance.  Bollen confirms that the Mayor will make an appointment for the position, but the Commission has approval authority.


Forest River Pool - The pool will be closing on Sunday, August 26. 


Common Fence - Work will be starting in September at the Hawthorne Hotel end, working towards the Witch Museum.  Bids for construction have come in high.


Playgrounds - Childscapes has been selected by the parents at a cost of $12,000 for Gonyea Park.  Equipment has been ordered and work will begin in about three weeks.


Palmer Cove infield - A Connecticut Company has been awarded the contract, and work is expected to begin in September.


Movies - Three movies were scheduled at both Salem Common and Furlong Park.  A new electrical outlet has been put at Furlong Park.


Golf use by employees - Bollen provides an update on the amount of free play by employees at the course.  It’s agreed that the program is a good benefit, and is not being abused.


Callahan informs the Commission that Scott MacDonald, course manager, has been approached by city employees who live out of town, who want to be able to purchase seasonal passes at the discounted rate offered residents.


Shell work - A new ramp, railings and stairs have been built at the Willows Shell.


Willows - Lympack has been put down at the Willows eliminating flooding in the area of the men’s bathroom.  Burke asks if any tree work is planned.  Bollen acknowledges that tree work is needed and will look into having it done.  There have been no new complaints about trash.


Bollen suggests that permits for large events, such as the Jazz and Soul Festival, should be required to require the organizer to supply a dumpster and port-a-potties in the future. Our bathrooms at the Willows and Winter Island aren’t building to accommodate the larges crowds that some of the events do.


McGrath Park update – There is no more money for the project.  Contamination testing and potential cleanup has added to cost overrun. Bollen is researching the cost of modular units to house office space, bathrooms, and a concession stand.  The fields are just about ready for use.


Old Business

Shea takes the opportunity to thank Bollen for ten years of exemplary service in his position as Director of Parks, Recreation and Community service.  He says that Bollen has created a state of the art department and has been indefatigable in his efforts on behalf of the people of Salem, in particular the children.  He has made Salem the top Park & Recreation Department around. He wishes Bollen good luck in his new endeavor at the Boys and Girls Club.  Callahan echoes Shea's sentiments, and Burke, Tuttle and Everitt express their appreciation for all that Bollen has accomplished.


New Business



Adjournment Next Meeting September 18, 2012

A motion to adjourn is made by Shea, seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Callahan adjourns the meeting at 8:05pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Christine O’Brien

Clerk, Salem Parks and Recreation Commission

2012 Aug